Delaware Pre-Retirees — Learn How We Put You In the Driver's Seat in Choosing a Wealth Management Financial Advisor

People between the ages of 50-55 often find it's crucial to start planning for their retirement and securing a financial future — their primary goal is to retire in about 10 years with confidence. Delaware residents have the advantage of accessing professional wealth management services provided by our offices in Wilmington and Rehoboth Beach. 

Selecting a partner in managing your finances is a big decision. We’re sharing our exact process that guides individuals and couples through the retirement planning process. While we’re here to be your guide and to provide professional financial advice and tax guidance, we keep you in the driver's seat. 

Delaware Pre-Retirees — Learn How We Put You In the Driver's Seat in Choosing a Wealth Management Financial Advisor

Making the Introduction: During an initial complimentary call, we take the time to understand what has prompted you to seek wealth management services. We discuss how our services can be tailored to your specific scenario and mutually decide if we should proceed. This introductory conversation sets the foundation for a collaborative and customized approach to your retirement planning.

Getting Acquainted: Next, whether we meet in person or remotely, our goal is to gain a clear understanding of your current financial situation, specific concerns, and ultimate goals and dreams. We address any questions you have so that you can make an informed decision about working with us. This stage establishes a relationship built on trust and ensures that our strategies align with your aspirations.

Sleeping On It: We recognize that choosing a wealth management partner is an important decision. We encourage you to take the time to evaluate our compatibility and expertise. Once you feel ready, we can move forward with your retirement planning, knowing that we are a well-suited match.

Getting Organized: Our multi-meeting process begins as we gather your financial data and start building personalized strategies. By collecting comprehensive information about your assets, investments, and liabilities, we lay the foundation for creating a comprehensive retirement plan that aligns with your goals. This organized approach ensures that no crucial financial aspect is overlooked.

Presenting Your Financial Plan: In two or three meetings, we present your personalized financial plan. This time frame allows you to fully understand and process our recommendations before making any decisions. We encourage you to ask questions and provide feedback. This collaborative process ensures that your plan is tailored to your unique circumstances and provides the flexibility to refine accordingly.

Taking Action: Rest assured, you won't be alone in implementing your financial plan. We are here to empower you to make educated decisions while we handle the heavy lifting of carrying out your plan. We provide guidance and support every step of the way, making sure you have a clear roadmap towards achieving your retirement goals.

Monitoring Progress: Retirement planning is an ongoing process, and we recognize the importance of regular monitoring and adjustments. We meet with you semiannually to revisit your goals, assess your progress, and make any necessary course corrections. Our commitment to your financial success extends beyond the initial plan, and our door is always open to address any financial questions or concerns that may arise.

As you inch towards retirement, securing your financial future becomes increasingly important. By utilizing wealth management services in Delaware, you can gain access to personalized strategies, expert advice, and ongoing support. Our team, with offices in Wilmington and Rehoboth Beach, is dedicated to helping pre-retirees and retirees like you make informed decisions, achieve your retirement goals, and enjoy peace of mind in the years to come. Contact us today to take the first step toward a financially secure future.

About Integrated Wealth Management

Integrated Wealth Management is owned by Burt Hutchinson, CPA, CFP®. We’re a CPA-led organization, meaning we’re here to handle your complex tax scenarios and provide cost-saving insight related to your financial plan.  

We’re here to guide you through the 3 stages of retirement:

  1. Uncertainty Stage: When you are within 10 years of retirement and have questions about how to make it work

  2. Stability Stage: When you have reached the financial milestone to retire comfortably and confidently

  3. Reflection Stage: When you are looking to leave a legacy

We are also here to provide experienced, empathetic support during times of loss, such as the death of a life partner. You need confidence and a sense of security to enjoy retirement. As fiduciaries with a fee-only structure, we never receive commissions. Free of ulterior motives, you can be sure we’re focused on your goals.

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This presentation is not an offer or a solicitation to buy or sell securities. The information contained in this presentation has been compiled from third-party sources and is believed to be reliable; however, its accuracy is not guaranteed and should not be relied upon in any way whatsoever. This presentation may not be construed as investment, tax, or legal advice and does not give investment recommendations. Any opinion included in this report constitutes our judgment as of the date of this report and is subject to change without notice.

Additional information, including management fees and expenses, is provided on our Form ADV Part 2 available upon request or at the SEC’s Investment Adviser Public Disclosure website, Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.