Retirement Planning Doesn’t End When You Retire

Retirement is up ahead and your career is winding down — this is an exciting time in your life. But remember, retirement is just the beginning of the next chapter in your life story.

When creating retirement plans, we’re often zeroed in on your final working years. We want to optimize the money coming in during the last 5-10 years of your career to help make your retirement dreams a reality. And for those who come to us ready to retire — you’re still at the beginning and it’s not too late. 

Wherever you stand today, know that it’s ok to not have all the answers. The more questions you have, the more we know you’ve been prioritizing your retirement plans. There is a lot to consider in terms of how to:

  • Turn your nest egg into a "paycheck" in retirement

  • Structure a portfolio to carry you through your retirement years

  • Preserve funds for unexpected needs down the road

No matter what stage of retirement you are in today, our goal is to provide the necessary information that empowers people like you to make confident financial decisions for themselves and their families. You’re in the driver's seat, but we’re here to be your personal GPS as you navigate into retirement. 

Retirement is Not the End — It’s a Beginning

When we say retirement is the beginning — we’re coming from a glass-half-full perspective. We want you to look forward with optimism when thinking about the years ahead. While no two people walk through our doors with the same background or goals, everyone falls into one of the three phases of retirement.

  1. Uncertainty Stage 

When you’re 10 years out from your desired retirement date, it’s only natural to have retirement-related questions.

  • Is it time to rein in the risk in my portfolio? 

  • How much will I need each month once I’m retired?

  • It’s looking like I may retire earlier than originally planned — how can I make this work?

This is an ideal time to consult with a professional to obtain an in-depth review of your current financial standings and create a plan to work towards your goals. When you find the right financial advisor, the pressure is nonexistent and you gain an advocate rooting for your success. 

2. Stability Stage

You’ve reached the stability stage when you’re ready to retire or have retired and you have a solid grasp on how your Social Security, Medicare, and savings will all play together. You’re confident in your ability to cover your estimated needs for the foreseeable future. 

Retiring on your terms sums up the stability stage. When you’ve hit retirement with comfort and confidence, you’ve set yourself up to enjoy retirement to the fullest.  Make this your top priority.

3. Reflection Stage

At some point during your retirement years, you’ll find yourself reflecting on the past.  We hope you’ll look back with fond memories and a feeling of accomplishment.  When this time comes, we’re here to help you plan and orchestrate your legacy.

Avoiding financial burdens for your family, leaving an inheritance to future generations, giving a gift to a beloved charitable organization — you choose the legacy you’ll leave.  

Retirement is Not a Sprint 

Wherever you land, remember proper retirement preparation takes time. Reaching the checkered flag and crossing into retirement is no doubt a win and we’re here to cheer you on. But at the same time, most good things in life come from patience and persistence. 

We often talk about the power of compounding when it comes to building wealth and how consistency is a big factor when it comes to winning with money. Simply put, the journey to retirement is not a sprint.

So whether you want to retire in 10 years or you’re interested in gaining reassurance about your current retirement state, partner with a professional that will put in the time to dig into your dreams and create a plan that’s right for you. We can all agree that when stress from financial decision-making is removed from the retirement equation, it’s far easier to envision a secure future.

If you’re ready to reduce the stress associated with financial decision-making, schedule an introductory call with an Integrated Wealth Management advisor today.

About Integrated Wealth Management

Integrated Wealth Management is owned by Burt Hutchinson, CPA, CFP®. We’re a CPA-led organization, meaning we’re here to handle your complex tax scenarios and provide cost-saving insight related to your financial plan.  

We are also here to provide experienced, empathetic support during times of loss, such as the death of a life partner. You need confidence and a sense of security to enjoy retirement. As fiduciaries with a fee-only structure, we never receive commissions. Free of ulterior motives, you can be sure we’re focused on your goals.

Continued Readings:


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